Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Change Management maps—a map that sets context for changes to come.

In our third post on types of maps we take a look at Change Management maps which help set the context for upcoming implementations of important strategic imperatives set forth by te leaders of an organization, in response usually to a changing industry or marketplace or both. This requires an integrated effort that if not communicated well to employees can be disastrous on rollout, creating even more friction than is usual, which then complicates everything.

Hers the specifics surround this type of map.


Not many employees embrace change, purely because staying in ones comfort zone feels a lot safer and easier. In order to motivate and sustain a productive work environment, employees need to understand and picture the change process and the benefits thereof.

A Change Management Map will compare contrasting states. This means that a Change Management Map will depict how things are at present and highlight the aspects that are causing the downfall (pain) on one side and on the other side it will show the future state where all the challenges are solved (gain).  Therefore, two opposing views are shown side by side.  The key would be to link the two sides by a ‘bridge’. This represents the journey of change.  When employees can see what lies ahead and the benefits of a new gainful state, they are more inclined to accept the challenge of change.


Learning objectives of this map, as well as the impact that it has on a business, could include: 

• Represent the case for change and benefits.
• Appreciate how things will be different and why it is a good thing.
• Diffuse resistance to change and gain support rather that obstruction.
• Support open conversations about change.
•  Limit the cost of sabotaged efforts.

To see an example of a Brand Engagement map, GoTo:
Next article we will take a look at the third kind of learning map, Change Management.
learning maps, the learningmap, learning map, learning visuals
Bill Hinsch is the original learning map artist in America, and utilizes
 the map as one tool for various visualization methodoigies at 
Learning Visuals, www.learningvisuals.com

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