Sunday, February 23, 2014

Brand Engagement: The Quest For Identification

The second in a series of types of maps, today we cover Brand Engagement.


Brand engagement grows profitability. An external  brand image is very useful to deliver on customer experiences and exceed expectations. Therefore each employee needs to engage with, and commit to, your brand.

This is an environment map these values will typically be expressed as a list of words. The challenge is to turn these words into competencies that people are prepared to deliver on. The first step is to help people understand that they already have their own values and then introduce and explain that a company and brand has values two. The second step is to identify types of employees and organization and group the job functions into a range of functional categories. For example one would not put drivers in the same group as call center agents. The next step would be to look at each functional group and unpack how they could deliver on the values relative to their role. that focuses on the business brand values.


Again, consider what the business would like to achieve by using this type of map. Some learning objectives could include: 

• Identify brand values
• Link brand values to personal values• • Identify brand elements
• Link brand values to roles and behaviors.


A Brand Engagement Map will assist the business in achieving:

• Improved brand alignment 
• Improved brand compliance
• Living the brandImproved brand value
• Allowing employees and associates and leaders to "live the brand". 

An example of the last point is Harley-Davidson in Milwaukee Wisconsin.

A stroll through their plant will afford one a view of how each employee embodies the brand. Any one of them could be a lone rider on a hog—and often are.

To see an example of a Brand Engagement map, GoTo:
Next article we will take a look at the third kind of learning map, Change Management.
learning maps, the learningmap, learning map, learning visuals
Bill Hinsch is the original learning map artist in America, and utilizes
 the map as one tool for various visualization methodoigies at 
Learning Visuals,


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